Jahrestagung 2011 (Kopie)
DStJG Annual Conference 2011 - Speyer
The annual conference 2011 was held on September the 19th and 20th in the premises of the German Academy for Administration in Speyer. Prof. Dr. Roman Seer, at that time chairman of the association, inaugurated the conference under its main theme “Municipal Taxes and Local Rates“
Bestowal of the Albert-Hensel-Award
In memoriam of Albert Hensel (1885-1933), who was an influential pioneer for the modern german fiscal jurisprudence, the German Association of Tax Lawyer bestowals the Albert-Hensel-Award annually. This year Dr. Christoph Moes was presented with the Award for his dissertation “The Tax Exemption of the Breadline as treated by the Federal Constitutional Court – a critical review of the subjective net-principle regarding the economy, the tax system and the legal doctrine provided by the constitutional civil rights („Die Steuerfreiheit des Existenzminimums vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht - Ein ökonomische, steuersystematische und grundrechtsdogmatische Kritik des subjektiven Nettoprinzips)
Reception in the historical Town Hall
In the evening of the first day of the conference Mayor Hansjörg Eger welcomed the participants in the historical council hall of Speyer. An introduction was also given by the minister of finance of the federal state of Rheinland-Pfalz, Dr. Carsten Kühl.
Open forum on the reformation of municipal taxes
At the end of the conference an open forum was held under presentation by Prof. Dr. Roman Seer. Participants of the discussion were Torsten Albig, Mayor of Kiel, Tax Consultant Bernd-Peter Bier, Head of Tax at Bayer AG Leverkusen, Prof. Dr. Lars P. Feld, University of Freiburg, Principal Bernd Häusler, Head of Communications at the Interior Ministry of Niedersachsen and Prof. Dr. Joachim Lang, University of Cologne. Therefore the passionate discussion combined views of consultants, representatives of federal states and municipality, scientists and economists.
Especially the high volatility of the recent financing of the municipals, which is mainly achieved with the help of the local business tax, was regarded as a problem. Thus it was conclusively agreed that the reformation proposal provided by the “Stiftung Marktwirtschaft” could function as a solid and manageable solution to improve the consolidation of governmental budgets.