DWS-Institut, Wissenschaftlicher Arbeitskreis Steuerrecht (Kopie)
DWS-Institute, Scientific Working Group Tax Law
The German Scientific Institute of Tax Consultants e.V. (Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Institut der Steuerberater e.V. – DWS) maintains – among others – a scientific working group for Tax Law. This working group acquires surveys and reports to profound issues of the german Tax Law. Those publications enjoy high reputation and are remarkably relevant to the professional practice of Tax Consultants. Hence the DWS-Symposium is established as a high-quality-staffed forum of expertise. It is held annually during December under the aegis of the working group “Tax Law”.
Since November 2011 Prof. Dr. Roman Seer is board member of the DWS-Institute and likewise chairman of the scientific working group “Tax Law”
In that matter we would also like to present you the DWS monographic series.
Collision of Duties for Custodians of Professional Secrecy in the Scope of Tax Audits
In a supplement to the DSTR No. 48/2012 an article has been published by the working group “Tax Law” under the title mentioned above. In that article the authors examine the yet unanswered question, if, and as appropriate to what extend, custodians of professional secrecy could be committed to blacken or otherwise anonymise documents referring to clients or patients in case of a tax audit pertaining to the custodian himself. The issue was raised by a case ruled by the German Federal Fiscal Court, wherein a solicitor refused to participate at all in a tax audit appealing to his duty of secrecy.
Interview about Legal Protection Regarding Tax Matters - Videostream
Prof. Dr. Roman Seer gave an Interview to the DWS about „Legal Protection Reagarding Tax Matters“. The interview is available in the DWS-Media-Library as well as on Youtube.
It was moderated by the chairman of the council of the DWS-Tax Consultant-Online-GmbH, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Sommer.
DWS-Symposium 2011
The DWS-Symposium 2011 was held under the main theme “Future of the Fiscal Unity in”
Further information can be gathered from the Programme (german).