Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Roman Seer

Since 1996 Roman Seer is a tenured (fulltime) professor of the Ruhr University of Bochum (RUB)/Germany and the holder of the chair „Tax Law". From 2006-2011 he has served as the chairman of the German Association of Tax Lawyers (Deutsche Steuerjuristische Gesellschaft e.V.) and is now it's vice chairman. He is the director of the Institute of Tax Law and Tax Procedure Law of the RUB and the Tax Law Section of the German Academic Institut of Tax Consultants (Deutsches Wissenschaftliches Institut der Steuerberater e.V. – DWS). Furthermore, since 2012 he is the Chairman of Tax Conferences of Berlin (Berliner Steuergespräche e.V.). As the German member he serves in the Academic Committee (AC) of the European Association of Tax Law Professors (EATLP). Roman Seer has published monographs and articles to different topics of national, european and international tax laws (approximately 200 contributions). Permanent projects are the authorships in the leading commentary "Tipke/Kruse, Abgabenordnung/Finanzgerichtsordnung" (since 1996 with increasing parts = 1/3 of 5.800 pp.) and in the leading tax book "Tipke/Lang, Steuerrecht" (since 1994 with increasing parts = 1/3 of 1.200 pp.). He is the editor of the "Bochumer Schriften zum Steuerrecht" (Tax Series of Ruhr University of Bochum [RUB], Vol. 1-26). In cooperation with Heinz-Klaus Kroppen he edits the „Internationale Wirtschaftsbriefe – IWB".

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